Pictures, 2023
- January workday, Cameron Woods trail construction
- January trail walk, Cameron Woods
- February trail walk, Fruit Street
- March trail walk, Whitehall Woods
- April workday, Center Trail cleanup
- April trail walk, Sudbury River trail
- May trail workday & Hop101
- Backpack child carrier donation
- Whistling Cave walk
- National Trails Day trail workday
- July trail workday at Echo Trail
- Town Forest trails walk
- Hughes Farm Trail walk with the Hopkinton Public Library
- August trail workday, Greenwood trail boardwalk building
- Center School trails walk with the Hopkinton Public Library
- September trail workday, Greenwood rock work
- Waseeka walk
- October trail workday, MS XC trail
- College Rock anniversary walk
- Center Trail moonlight walk the the Hopkinton Public Library
- November trail workday, trail relocation on Cranberry Bog trail behind Center School
- Deneen/Peppercorn trails walk
- December trail workday, Hughes Farm trail
- Braim Farm walk